Here in N FL we are experiencing some lovely weather with cooler temperatures and low humidity. I always have to take advantage of this kind of weather because next week the humidity will be back and temperatures will be rising. A wonderful time to be gardening but at Tea Time it is time to take a break and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

A toile tablecloth to cover the table and my Fall pillows for comfort.

My tea staying warmed by my Janear glass teapot. It is a German made teapot.

My tea of choice is a Tarragon Tea. I grow the Mexican Tarragon in a pot on my patio. I would prefer growing French Tarragon but it is of similar taste and the French variety will not grow well in our heat and humidity. I love the licorice taste of Tarragon and I have been told it is a good tea for tummy issues.

I always use Demera Sugar in my tea with a splash of lemon and a slice of lemon as well.

A Bannana Nut Muffin pared well with my Tarragon Tea to hold me over until dinner time. I worked up an appetite while gardening.

Taking the time to savor the afternoon with Tea for One is a "Good Thing".

My Furry babies enjoyed the afternoon also. On the left is my Cavelier King Charles Spaniel, Miss Scarlet and on the right is my rescued Beagle, Huey.

I think Miss Scarlet wanted some of my Bananna Nut Muffin.
I am joining Susan today at A Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday and also Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Tablescape Thursday. Please check out all the other participants on both of these beautiful blogs.