Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Enjoying the antics of Goldfinches

This time of year in North Florida we are enjoying the antics of goldfinches. This beautiful bird usually arrives here in our area around February but this year I began spotting them in December. I immediately put up my thistle feeders. They will also feed on black oiled sunflower seed but prefer thistle. There are socks made for this purpose but I have found that the squirrels tear them up so I use a feeder specifically designed for thistle. We are able to enjoy them for only two to three months when they fly farther north, our area is merely their winter range. Their year round residence is in eastern mid-America and their breeding range is more north but in the east.

This is a thistle feeder in my backyard. We see a lot of them here but not nearly what we see at our farm.

This past weekend we went up to our farm in South Georgia and in the country the goldfinches are everywhere. They usually stay in the area at the farm about a month longer than at home. Click on to the picture to enlarge, you can see them waiting in line in the tree for their turn.
This feeder is filled with black oiled sunflower seed and they were lined up at this feeder also.Goldfinches are such beautiful birds to watch and I never tire of them.
Our farm is just a small weekend getaway but we enjoy it. There is always some kind of fascinating wildlife to entertain or some beautiful flowers blooming. Our drive is lined with Bradford Pear trees and they were just beginning to bloom when we arrived this weekend.

I couldn't resist bringing some stems of these Bradford Pear home. Little did I know that they had a somewhat peculiar fragrance. I am enjoying them but I'm thinking they may need to go out soon.

I am sharing this post with other participants at Susan's Outdoor Wednesday blog party at A Southern Daydreamer.


  1. They are so cute and tiny. Loved all your photos.

  2. Our Bradford Pears are in full bloom as well. Loved how you put them in vases - will have to do that myself

  3. Just put our Finch feeder out Sat. We are enjoying all the activities.
    Great pics!

  4. The finches will arrive up here one day, and I'll wonder if one of them fed at your feeder.

  5. I love the goldfinches too...we call them wild canaries here. They do love thistle but it is really expensive to keep out all the time...they can eat a bag a day.

  6. Love the goldfinches and the coming of spring!

  7. The goldfinches so colorful and cute! I love the Bradford Pear trees. I don't have any in my yard, but my Mama's driveway is lined with them...so pretty! Thanks for sharing.
