Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How does your garden grow?

So many blogging friends are still experiencing winter like weather so today I thought I would share some of my own garden for Outdoor Wednesday. I am in hopes that by sharing my garden it will lift your spirits and you will know that Spring is just around the corner for you as well. Remember that you can click onto any photo to enlarge for more detail.

Here in North Florida we have been experiencing some mild weather. Some preennials are still emerging but for the most part the grass is beginning to green and signs of Spring are everywhere.

A few weeks ago the Redbud trees were blooming, those trees blooming in the back of my garden in this photo. Now the redbud blooms have faded and we are enjoying our azalea's.

This is the same area of the photo above but three weeks later. This and the successive photos I took this morning. An overcast day but perfect for taking photos.

The plant in the right forefront of this bed is a salvia. It dies back to the ground in the winter but you can see since our last cold snap how much it has grown.

I am focusing most of my attention in the garden for the next few weeks because I am hosting an evening outdoor dinner garden party for my garden circle's end of the year function with spouses. It will be a fun time but I am determined that my garden will be in tip top shape.

My first delphinium to bloom this year. I was so excited.

Some of my old garden roses are beginning to bloom as well.

In this bed I plant most of my herbs and I like to mix them with old garden roses, hydrangeas (the hydrangeas won't bloom for a couple of months but they are putting on their foliage), poppy's, French marigolds, pansy's and nasturtiums for decorating cakes, salad and appetizer trays. Just yesterday I planted some crimson dahlia's. I also just planted my basil since we probably won't get anymore frost. Along the fence I have planted some foxglove but they have not begun to bloom yet.
It's always fun to add a little whimsy to the garden and I have catmint planted in this little kitty planter. Catmint makes a soothing tea.
I have Kentucky Colonel mint planted in my little chicken planter and I don't remember what these little yellow blooms are called but they are just blooming like crazy and went through the winter without dying back. They are a perennial and I will have to find out what they are since I have lots of them planted in this bed.

I can honestly say that I am enjoying our Spring like weather. In our area Spring is short and then we begin to have the intense heat that most people associate with all of Florida but for now I am taking it all in.

It is once again time for Outdoor Wednesday hosted by Susan at A Southern Daydreamer. Click HERE to see other participants of Outdoor Wednesday. And when Spring finally arrives where you live I know you will thoroughly enjoy it as I am now.


  1. beautiful! I am visiting from a comment you left on my blog!

  2. Your flower gardens are beautiful. Love the cat mint in the kitty planter. I have never tried mints... are they invasive?

  3. It's so nice to have a tour of your garden, where there's lots in bloom and spring seems to have arrived to stay. Up here it's still quite grey and rainy, if mild. The daffodils are poised to open with the least encouragement from the sun, and the rhodos and azaleas are full of fat buds.
    I hope you'll post something about the setting for your party in the garden!

  4. You have such a beautiful yard and gardens. Thank you for sharing your 'spring' with us northerners who are still waiting. :-) Pamela

  5. How beautiful you yard is! It's like a private botanical garden and so beautifully planted and decorated.

    I'm tapping my toes impatiently here waiting for more signs of spring to arrive.

  6. What a gorgeous garden you have! Aren't we lucky in Florida?

    I'm coming back for the meatloaf recipe! :)
    Am really pleased to get to know your blog!
