Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Bringing the Outdoors In

I haven't posted on my blog for a few weeks, it's been a busy time. I couldn't think of a better way of getting back into the groove of posting than to share some work I did last Friday and joining the blogging party, Outdoor Wednesday hosted by Susan at A Southerner Daydreamer.

On occasion a friend of mine who has a flower business and does flowers for weddings will ask me to help out when she is short of man power. My daughter works with her regularly. This particular day my friend found herself short of some workers that can do large flower arrangements so she called me to come help. Flower arranging is one of my passions and putting together flowers for a wedding is such a JOY. This happened to be for the Rehearsal Dinner but all the flowers were just gorgeous.

The location was our Governor's Club which is a beautiful venue in itself but to add to the beauty were these amazing flower arrangements. My daughter and I were given the task of putting together the flowers for the entry area in the bar.

When one walked up the stairs to the upper floor and bar area this was their first impression so they had to be spectacular.
This was the first one I put together and the prototype for the others.

We used shades of white and I thought so interesting the use of the kale.

It was interesting that the grooms mother chose to begin the Rehearsal Dinner with shades of white and as you moved to the main dining room used hot pinks with the Bride and Grooms table in white.

Even the chandelier was festooned with flowers.

A close up of the individual table arrangements.

There were still lots of people working, the sound man was setting up, the finishing touches were taking place, everything being cleaned and it was a gorgeous setting.

I left with a good feeling and enjoyed one of my passions, working with flowers. I find it to be such an uplifting thing for me.

There are some wonderful participants of Outdoor Wednesday so click here to enjoy them and make the most of your day.


  1. Fabulous flowers! I enlarged them all to get a good look -- my daughter's getting married in June and I'm soaking up as much inspiration as I can!
    thanks for sharing ... lovely work, wish you lived in New Jersey!

  2. Wow! You and your daughter did an amazing job! It must have been a lot of fun making those with all the lovely flowers you used.
    I love the chandelier-definitely has that wow factor!
    Enjoy your garden-did I mention that my husband and I and our daughters and their families are headed to Orlando in April just for a week.Should be a lot of fun for all of us.
    Take care,

  3. Carolyn, how stunning! You did a gorgeous job. Everything is just beautiful.


  4. Carolyn, that is all just gorgeous. I love what you did with the flowers. And aren't weddings the most fun?


  5. How beautiful! I think I would love working with flower arranging. My daughter is the event/catering director at a major wedding restaurant venue in our city and she knows good flower arrangements. These are so beautiful! How fun and rewarding it must have been to be part of this event.

  6. Caroly, those flowers are just amazing!!! You are so talented!!!
