This issue was a result of the staff of Victoria magazine going through some of the archived original magazines. I have always been a fan of Victoria magazine and have most all of the original issues. When I go through some of those older issues it never fails to fill me with a warm and comforting feeling.
After enjoying this issue I find myself asking, what is the special space in my home that becons me there? Where I feel most sheltered, most serene, and most joyful. I try in every room in my home to decorate with that same thought in mind but this is my special place. The spot in my home where I go to relax and unwind.

It may be in the morning with a cup of coffee or in the afternoon with a cup of tea. Always with some reading material and just relaxing.

Surrounded by those special things that gives us a warm feeling.

That may be family photos and those special photos of lossed loved ones or photos that bring back happy memories. The trivet my cup is sitting on has my initials on it, handpainted by a dear friend and it is always sitting on this table waiting for my cup of something and this too is a warm reminder of dear friends.

Sometimes with a bouquet from the garden, even a wee bouquet but fragrant.

And always surrounded by my furry friends. Miss Scarlet laying next to me and Huey at my feet.

Today I am joining Marty's blog Party at a Stroll Thru Life. To view other participants of this lovely party just click here.

If you have not gotten this "Special" issue of Victoria magazine, I highly recommend it.

I hope you enjoy the remainder of this lovely Tuesday.