Some time ago I posted this as one of my favorite summer cocktails and I thought it worthy of reposting for Foodie Friday. It is a refreshing cocktail and I got all the ingredients at the grocery yesterday in anticipation of enjoying this liabation this afternoon on the patio which is what made me think to repost this.
Here in the South the temperatures are rising to almost 100* and the humidity is awful. Our salvation has always been a big pitcher of iced tea but sometimes you just need something a little stronger. I wanted to share a cocktail that I have been making for many years and it uses some of the very best peaches from our friends to the north. I have always thought that there was nothing like those GA peaches but I especially love those Chilton County Alabama peaches too.
My favorite cocktail for the summer is called "Peach Fuzz" and I will share the recipe. I developed this recipe many years ago.
Peach Fuzz
1-6 oz. can of frozen limeade
6 oz. of your favorite vodka
3-4 fresh peaches, peeled and sliced
Superfine sugar to taste
In a blender mix the limeade,vodka, sliced peaches and blend together. Add enough ice to make it the consistancy that you would like. Like a slushy. Add superfine sugar to your taste. Pour into a pretty glass and Enjoy. So simple but oh so good.
A good blender is a necessity.
A pretty glass and an edible bloom like Nasturtiums from the garden make for a pretty presentation and very appealing. I sometimes use a sprig of mint to garnish and as you drink the fragrance is amazing.
Your favorite magazine or book sitting in one of your favorite spots with your drink in hand, it's a Good Thing. One of my favorite spots is on the patio with the view of my garden and watching my feathered friends. Sometimes I get a little breeze but this icy concoction is refreshing enough. Try these tasty treats. You won't be disappointed.
Until the next time.