Herbs in the garden are a must for me. There are endless culinary uses for herbs and there is something so very pleasurable about walking out to your garden to snip some herbs to go in whatever receipt I am preparing.
This time of year in North Florida where I live there is not much blooming in the garden because of our intense heat and humidity but soon in the Fall the blooms will come alive again. Until then I am enjoying the use of my Kitchen Garden.

The Kitchen Garden

There is Basil, Sage and Garlic Chives. Basil for pestos, Tomato Basil Pie which is a summertime favorite and I MUST have Sage for Poultry dishes and I can't forget that Thanksgiving Turkey. A baked potato topped with sour cream and garlic chives is pure heaven and my chives are used frequently to garnish dishes.

Lavender for those wonderful Pound Cakes and Madelines to go with my afternoon tea.
Then there are those herbs that I grow in pots on my patio.

Oregano for those wonderful Italian receipts.

Tarragon used in chicken dishes but is also excellent steeped as a tea for tummy issues.

Bay Laurel used in Italian receipts, soups, stews and those wonderful New Orleans cajun dishes. I couldn't be without Bay Laurel. I keep this in a pot on my patio because if I planted it in the ground it would get huge. It's easier to keep in bounds potted and on the patio.
I grow many other herbs that I haven't shown here such as Rosemary, several different kinds of thyme, other varieties of Basil, several different kinds of Mint and Italian Parsley. I have to have the Mint for Mint Juleps, of course, but also one of Florida's favorites, Mojito's. The Italian Parsley is a MUST also and I love it's fresh taste. Parsley is so much more than an herb for garnish.

A Kitchen Garden is a good thing.
I am joining in on Susan party Outdoor Wednesday.

You can find other Outdoor Wednesday participants by clicking here A Southern Daydreamer. Thank you Susan for hosting this weekly event.
Enjoy your day.