I have many orchids in my collection and I am just a novice but I have enough orchids in my collection that I always have one or two to bring into the house for my indoor pleasure. I don't have a greenhouse but keep them on an old iron tea cart on my patio or hanging in a tree. Hanging in trees in South America is where they grow naturally with filtered sun in heavily wooded areas.

This is called a Vanda Orchid and it grows with all of it's roots exposed and in no potting mixture. It has to be watered at least once a day and often I water it several times a day. I have two of this type orchid but this one I have had the most luck with in terms of bringing it back into bloom. When in bloom I usually hang it on my screened porch as it is in the photo or if I am having an outdoor party I will hang it in a tree for a little splash of color. It is quite spectacular when in bloom.
This is a Phalaenopsis but one of the most beautiful colors I have ever seen. These orchids are probably the most common, one of the easiest to grow, and their bloom time can last as long as three months. This one is blooming right now and is in it's fourth month of bloom time.
This is a Cymbidium and the type of orchid most often used for corsages. These are a little more difficult to grow but I like a challenge.
Below are some pictures of other various orchids in my collection.
A couple more Cymbidium's.
These are but just a few in my collection but no matter what time of year I always have something blooming to come indoors to bring an added sparkle to my home. Orchids, they are a "Good Thing".
Enjoy your day, Carolyn