It's been quite a while since I have participated in Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps On The Porch so I chose to share my fireplace mantle. My mantle changes with the seasons and holidays.
At Christmas I most often place my collection of Santa's on the mantle. This year I decided to place my Nativity on the mantle and we were able to enjoy it so much more.

This particular Nativity was made by my grandmother about 40 years ago. She owned a ceramic shop and painted this one for my mother. When my husband and I were young marrieds my mother asked my husband to rig something up so the angel would appear to be floating. He did this with a co-hanger and we have used it ever since. When my mother passed away 20 years ago my father gave this Nativity to me. It is one of my most cherished possessions.

A closer look at that angel that appears to be flying.

The Wise Men and their camels.

And the shepards.

This will remain up until after The Epiphany on Janruary 6th and we will enjoy it everyday. It is a real treasure to me.

Please take a look at other participants at Between Naps On The Porch